The Impact of Psychological Factors on Entrepreneurial Willingness among Students of Agriculture

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Psychology, College of education and psychology, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran.

2 College of Agriculture, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.


The aim of the present study was to explore the impact of psychological factors on entrepreneurial willingness among students of agronomy at Islamic Azad University of Marvdasht. The population under study consisted of senior students, of whom 143 students were selected as the participants in the sample using Bartlett table. The instruments used in this study were a number of questionnaires whose validity and reliability were tested using the expert panel and structural equation modeling, respectively. The results indicated that the participants’ entrepreneurial willingness was at an average level. Besides, the participants’ low satisfaction with themselves and exclusion of entrepreneurship in career options were problematic for them. The results of structural modeling showed that norms, belief in self-efficacy, and attitudes have a positive impact on entrepreneurial willingness, respectively. According to the structural model, achievement motivation and subjective norms have a direct and positive effect on internal control and the latter, in turn, affects the belief in self-efficacy. Entrepreneurial internship, creative problem solving, entrepreneurial fairs emphasizing new products, self-regulated learning strategies, and development of entrepreneurial culture via producing documentary films are also discussed in detail in this study.


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