Innovative Management in Iranian Organizations

Document Type : Original Article


Master of Political Science, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study is to explain the emerging theory of innovative management in Iranian organizations. Methodologically, a qualitative approach of grounded (data-based) type was preferably used. The valid documents relevant to the field of management, and organizational innovation and entrepreneurship were chosen as the reference community and the main source of this research. Accordingly, 43 well-researched scientific research articles were purposefully selected in terms of theoretical saturation. As data gathering tool, subject-based indices were used. The data were extracted using thematic analysis strategies combined with analytical. The analysis of the extracted data was performed according to the instructions provided by Strauss and Corbin. This process involves preparing data and writing textual propositions, open, axial, and selective coding. To comply with the research qualitative characteristics, the three criteria of acceptability, verifiability and reliability were applied. The results showed that the construct innovative management in Iranian organizations in the causal dimension included categories such as "innovative research, use of organizational intellectual capacity and innovative flexibility," in the outcome dimension, it included "internal organizational capability, cultural growth, and environmental empowerment," in the strategic dimension, "reasonable outsourcing strategy, networking strategy, technology strategy, and flexibility strategy," in the interferer dimension, "policy-making, laws and regulations, and technological challenges" and in the contextual dimension, "innovative personality of managers and employees, cultural insight, and innovative infrastructures" which could be provided.
